Myth busters

The MJDF has changed and is improving all the time, ensuring that it remains the best choice to further your career. Here are some misconceptions about the award – and the facts.


Myth: The MJDF is more expensive than MFDS alternatives.

Fact: The MJDF is very competitively priced by comparison with MFDS alternatives. 2020 published prices indicate that the full MJDF qualification is cheaper. UK candidates who have completed part 1 can save an additional 10% by completing MJDF part 2.


Myth: It takes longer to complete MJDF Parts 1 & 2.

Fact: The two-part qualification offers a regular cycle of exam dates, and part 2 may be taken at any point after having completed 12 months’ full-time postgraduate experience in dentistry (longer for part-time).


Myth: The MJDF has less relevance than alternatives.

Fact: The MJDF encompasses dentistry in real practice. No other award of its type offers that breadth – bridging the increasingly porous divide between primary and secondary care. It’s the UK’s most popular postgraduate dental award.


Myth: The MJDF is harder to attain.

Fact: There is broad equivalence of standard between awards and they are similar in the commitment and duration of the assessment. If you hold MFDS part 1, you can apply to do MJDF part 2. The MJDF part 2 exam runs over a single circuit comprising 14 stations, lasting under three hours – candidates attend either a morning or an afternoon session.